Give an extraordinary gift of unforgettable flight experience! Our trial (introductory) flights are an ideal present for your loved ones, family member or friends. We offer approximately one-hour long flights which give the passenger the opportunity to pilot a real light aircraft and at the same time offer an amazing bird’s eye view of some of Rome’s famous landmarks and its neighbouring countryside and the Tiber valley, including the volcanic lakes of Bracciano and Martignano, the wonderful Marmore falls, the Thyrrenic coast, and many more. 

This flight experience will give you or your loved ones the taste of what it is like to undergo pilot training and its perks such as seeing the world from above on board of one of our Cessna 152 or 172 aircraft. These flights are under the direct supervision of our experienced flight instructors. To make the surprise even better, we also offer gift sets, inclusive of gadgets and an invitation letter. 

Bookings are open any day of the week and subject to good weather conditions. For further information, please fill in the form below. Our staff will get in touch with you to arrange your flight.

For security reasons, you will be required to undergo the security screening upon registration and therefore be requested to submit a copy of your passport. Please note that due to security airspace restrictions over the central part of Rome, some areas cannot be flown over. 

Boeing 737-800 or Airbus A320 Simulator session

Is flying your passion? Have you always wanted to pilot a real airliner? An alternative option of a Boeing 737-800 or Airbus A320 flight simulator session is also available for those who would love to experience the commands of a commercial aircraft under the guidance of our airline pilot instructors. 

The session starts with an initial pre-flight briefing, a familiarisation with the commands and the systems on board, the actual take-off, climb and various manoeuvres, to end with the descent, an instrumental approach and one or more landings. One of our instructors will guide you through the entire session, and will explain all there is to know to fully enjoy the feeling of piloting the 80-ton aircraft.

Our simulator is dedicated to professional pilots' training, so few slots a week are reserved for aviation enthusiasts. We apologise in advance if you might find difficulties booking a suitable slot. 

For further information and/or slot booking, please fill in the form below. Our staff will get in touch with you.


La scuola di volo Aviomar, nell'ambito delle proprie attività, dispone di tutte le certificazioni previste secondo la regolamentazione europea EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) ed ENAC (Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile).


La scuola di volo Aviomar si avvale dei migliori partner presenti sul mercato mondiale al fine di assicurare ai propri clienti l'eccellenza per i servizi e le attività aeronautiche.
