Our Type Rating courses are designed to provide the CPL or ATPL license holder with the required training to fly complex aircraft in either single or multi-pilot operations as determined by the aircraft manufacturer or competent authority. The courses are developed following the strictest EASA part FCL requirements and include everything you need to be a pilot on the type of your choice. Nevertheless, as the EASA standards are the most stringent in the industry, our courses company with most ICAO, non-European, authorities such as Brazil, Morocco, Russia, and Turkey, to say a few.
Type rating Courses are comprise of a theoretical training course followed by practical training on an FFS (Full Flight Simulator). On some courses, FTD/FBS (Fixed Based Simulator) training exercises preceed FFS training.
Please refer to the specific type rating course page for the exact programme structure.
According to EASA Flight Crew Standards, on termination of the type rating course, the candidate will undergo “Base Training," that is 6 or 4 takeoffs and landings on the real aircraft unless the applicant is experienced and is undergoing a “Zero Flight Time Training” (ZFTT) course with an approved airline.